Subsidiaries Company
PT Ade Putera Tanrajeng
PT Ade Putra Tanrajeng (APT) is a coal mining company located in the region Gunung Sari, Tabang, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. PT APT is an Indonesian incorporated company that engages in coal mining and sales for both domestic and international customers from various industrial sectors including power generation, steel manufacturing, cement manufacturing etc. From our head office in Jakarta and our representative offices in Samarinda, APT manages a mining area of 4,061 hectares based on the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Decree No. 503/416/IUP-OP/BPPMD-PTSP/III/2015 dated March 31 2008, and has coal reserves of more than 281 million tonnes and resources of more than 603 million tonnes. This has been calculated by a competent person resources and reserves in accordance with the laws and regulations (CPI) and also by JORC standard.
IUP APT is open pit mine, mining by Excavator and Trucks with present yearly Production target of 3.5 million tonnes. PT APT commenced its production from 2018 and have plans to increase the production capacity up to 11 million tonnes per year in 2026. The Coal is bituminous thermal coal with calorific value between 4030 – 4200 kcal/kg (gross as received). The production quality is assured thru quality checks at every stage starting from Pit till the coal Shipment, and proper coal handling management. The mining activities are supported by 40 employees and 589 personnel from contractors and associated companies.
In all its business operations and activities, APT is fully dedicated in carrying out its responsibilities to its stakeholders and society. This commitment is manifested in a number of ways, such as enforcing the highest health and safety standards onsite to safeguard its employees; ensuring the most stringent environmental assessment plans to avoid any negative impact to the surrounding area; and widespread promotion of economic/ socio-cultural development programs for the surrounding community.
PT Guruh Putra Bersama
PT Guruh Putra Bersama (GPB) is a fast-growing thermal coal producer from East Kalimantan located in Desa Gunung Sari, Kecamatan Tabang, Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara, Indonesia. First set up in 2011, GPB is a is a subsidiary of PT Kutai Bara Nusantara. GPB was granted its IUP in 2010, commenced its commercial production in 2011. Today, GPB coal is extensively used by power generating utilities and cement manufacturers as well as other general industries around the world.
GPB have a concession area of 3,205 hectares, with reserves of 61.242.920 metric tons, and proven so far 53.200.000 metric tons. The coal quality is predominantly of Balikpapan formation, with heating value ranging from 3600-3800 Kcal (Gross as received). GPB’s mineable reserves and resources have been certified according to JORC standard. Additional drilling are continuously being done to identify more potential.
The IUP GPB is an open-pit mine, mining by Excavator and Truck operation. Currently our production target is 2 million tons per year and have plans to increase to 3 million tons in coming years. With a relatively low stripping ratio and very close proximity to port, GPB ranks as one of the lowest cost producers of sub-bituminous and bituminous thermal coal in Indonesia. Through integrated supply chain management and extensive quality control measures, consistency of output is well assured.
In all its business operations and activities, GPB is fully dedicated to carrying out its responsibilities to its stakeholders and society. This commitment is manifested in a number of ways, such as enforcing the highest health and safety standards onsite to safeguard its employees; ensuring the most stringent environmental assessment plans to avoid any negative impact to the surrounding area; and widespread promotion of economic/ socio-cultural development programs for the surrounding community.